Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Traffic Violations in Ulster County, NY
What Are Some Tips to Avoid Traffic Tickets?
- Know and follow the New York traffic laws
- Know where the speed limits change – police like to catch drivers when the speed limits change
- Use common sense, such as staying behind a police vehicle as opposed to speeding past them and getting their attention
- Use cruise control to help maintain a consistent speed
What Should I Do if I’m Stopped by a Police Officer?
- Follow this guide for first-time drivers
- Cooperate and stay calm during the traffic stop.
- Find a safe place to pull over and follow directions.
- Police officers are people, too, and they are concerned for their own personal safety.
- Make it easy for the officer to see your hands, and don’t make any quick hand movements.
- Do not admit to speeding but be polite and courteous.
Can I get my first speeding ticket dropped?
Getting a speeding ticket dropped is possible, depending on the circumstances. In many cases, it means proving that there was no probable cause for the traffic stop. This is not something the average person can do alone and may require the help of a traffic ticket attorney.
How can I avoid points on a New York speeding ticket?
The only way to avoid points on a speeding ticket is to negotiate with prosecutors to reduce the charge to a no-point offense. This requires excellent negotiation skills and substantial knowledge of the law.
Do I Need to Respond to the Ticket?
Yes. Failure to respond may cause additional fines and penalties, including a license suspension.
What is the NY Driver Assessment?
If you get six points in an 18-month timeframe, the New York Driver Assessment will add additional monetary fines.
How Long Do Points Stay on My New York Driving Record?
Points can stay on your record for 18 months.
Is There a Way to Reduce Some of My Points?
Yes. New York has a Point & Insurance Reduction Program. This program allows for the reduction of up to four points during any 18 month period if the driver properly completes a driver education course. The program only allows for point reduction of points you already have. You can’t reduce your points below 0 and it can’t be used to change a license suspension or revocation.
What Will I Need to Show Jonathan Katz?
You should have a copy of your driving record (an abstract) if you’re an out of state driver. My office can help you obtain one. My office will also help New York drivers get their in-state New York driving abstracts.
When Do I Pay the Fine?
Not until you have met with Jonathan D. Katz., Esq. A successful defense may reduce your fine or get your ticket dismissed entirely. If you pay the fine upfront, you have plead guilty.
Talk to My Firm for Free
Traffic law is what I practice and I’ve been extremely successful getting tickets reduced or dismissed for many people just like you. I understand you may be frustrated and anxious – especially if you are in danger of losing your license or don’t have the money to pay the fines. When you put my experience to work for you, I’ll explain all your options and be by your side every step of the way. Before you pay a traffic fine, contact us for your no-obligation, free consultation.